Community Agencies
Description: A wide variety of Community Agencies have long been involved with supporting one’s desire and ability to live independently at home. Relationship: Home Safety Services has partnered with numerous agencies through the years to develop programs and serve as the contracted expert resource for both home assessments and home modifications.
Unique Value Proposition:
- Turn-key Program Partnering with us to Implement a home modifications program is virtually a plug-and-play solution subject to the agencies direction of scope of services and funding limits.
- Accredited by the Joint Commission We are held to the same patient safety standards as hospitals and healthcare providers.
- Full-Spectrum 1-Stop Home Modifications Provider We are qualified to both assess for and install the most appropriate solutions (e.g. grab bars, railings, ramps, lifts, bathroom modifications, etc.).
- Experienced Provider with Variety of Program Structures We have the experience, flexibility and operational efficiency to structure a program to be meet the needs of the insurer and its members.
- Quick turn times for all services Our exclusive focus on minor home modifications combined with our inventoried vehicles and trained technicians enable us to provide solutions instantly upon authorization thereby supporting safe and timely discharges.
- Certified Employee Installers Our installers are our employees who have completed our thorough in-house training and certification process. Every technician knows not only what to install but also how and where to install in for maximum benefit.

Program Description
- Regional and Independent Living Centers Integrated Healthcare Insurers are best positioned to see the effectiveness of interventions upon the reduction of the total cost of care and improvement of outcomes. Home modifications are proven to reduce falls and fall injuries and as a result reduce ER visits and hospitalizations. Additionally, home modifications further reduce costs by expediting and improving the success rate of discharges and reducing readmissions from falls. Finally, home modifications improve a patient’s ability to perform Activities of Daily Living (ADLs) independently and reduce caregiver costs and risks. The aggregate of these costs savings makes for a very compelling ROI for integrated healthcare insurers especially when the interventions are targeted at those members at high risk of falling. We collaborate with our partner insurers in strategically identifying the appropriate recipients and determining the scope (and limits) of the services to be provided.
- Area Agencies on Aging and MSSPs Home modifications enable insurers to fulfill their obligation to injured workers and enable them to reside in the lowest cost of care location, their home. We are adept at assessing complex situations to determine the most practical and cost-effective modifications which will maximize an injured worker’s independence and quality of life. We understand the documentation and authorization protocols and work collaboratively with the entire case management team to insure the best and most expeditious outcomes possible.
- Fall Prevention Coalitions and Initiatives MA insurers wishing to differentiate themselves should consider offering a home modifications benefit. Seniors appropriately believe that their insurer should demonstrate a vested interest in maintaining their independence via funding proven minor home modifications. We are happy to leverage our variety of contract service experience in collaboration with you to develop a highly-valued and cost-effective MA benefit.
- Senior Villages Simply stated, Long Term Care (LTC) insurers need to partner with us. Most policies include a home modifications or “Stay at Home” benefit. It is in the insurer’s best interest that these modifications and reimbursed expenses be as targeted and cost-effective as possible. Furthermore, LTC insurers should consider funding additional targeted interventions which will decrease a member’s dependence upon a paid caregiver. Our toileting and bathing solutions often enable independent performance of ADLs for only a few hundred dollars.
- Rebuilding Together We are fans and frequent supporters of Rebuilding Together. We often refer clients who cannot afford to pay for our services to other agencies including rebuilding together. We are also delighted to receive referrals for clients who don’t qualify for an agency’s benefits or for those who are in need of services faster than or out of the scope of capability of the agency. We eagerly collaborate with our community partners to ensure that as many of those in need of home modification services receive them at the lowest possible cost.
Summary Statement: From day one, we have partnered with numerous community agencies to support their constituents and residents. We have a long history of crafting successful programs to maximize the delivered value from a given budget to best meet the objectives of the organizations. We frequently give back to our partnering agencies more than we receive which gives us great pride and satisfaction.