The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recognizes that falls are not an inevitable part of aging and that clinicians can play a vital role in reducing their patients’ likelihood of falling. The CDC developed the STEADI (Stopping Elderly Accidents Deaths and Injuries) Initiative in order to implement the American and British Geriatrics Societies’ Clinical Practice Guideline for fall prevention. STEADI consists of three core elements:

Screen patients for fall risk, Assess modifiable risk factors, and Intervene to reduce risk by using effective clinical and community strategies. Combined, these elements can have a substantial impact on reducing falls, improving health outcomes, and reducing healthcare expenditures.
The CDC has developed an entire toolkit to support healthcare providers. One of the elements of the toolkit is a helpful algorithm which clearly instructs provides tor “Optimize home safety” for their patients deemed to be at high risk of falling.
We are advocates for the universal implementation of the STEADI protocols and supportive of clinicians in their efforts to direct their patients to appropriate resources within their respective communities to assist them in reducing their risk of falling.